Lord, I’m such a moronA couple of you were actually kind enough to respond and I’m such an idiot, I didn’t notice your responses until now. Therefore, let me make up for lost postings.
Mike Ernest, a Boettcher scholar, Colorado College grad, employee of the infamous Minerals Management Division of the Bureau of the Interior (wha, wha!) and my high school prom date wrote:
“I've been trying to explain a Denver band called Devotcha to my friends. They are artists on Anti Records and they are set to play Red Rocks in June or July. Mix electric guitars with a Sousaphone, violin and kettle drum. Pretty interesting band.”
It’s so hard to find a band that mixes Sousaphones and kettle drums…
However, DeVotchKa has done so very well. It and composer Mychael Danna provided the score for Little Miss Sunshine.
The band will play with David Byrne at Red Rocks, Saturday, June 20.
Tickets are on sale now, from $44.00 to $69.50.
Commander, Skip Arms, Colorado Springs Police Department wrote:
"Just a thought, I know that the Douglas County Fairgrounds occasionally brings in some good talent and we rarely hear about it here in the Springs. Could that venue be added to your list as well?"
This is exactly the sort of request I hope to get - I never would have thought of that venue but I've got myself in its mailing list and I'll make a call to its staff tomorrow, so we should be able to hear about upcoming events there in time to get tickets. I must add that, in addition to be well-spoken and photogenic, Skip is the world's BEST running partner. He has those two invaluable qualities: he shows and he runs and has done so for the past eight years.
My good buddy,
Colonel Dennis Cripps, U.S. Army, Retired, and my former boss at El Paso County wrote:
“I am so glad you have found meaning in life after El Paso County. It seems so improbable now but the good guidance I gave you while you were in my platoon has benefited you in this latest endeavor.”
Denny is one of the world’s great bosses and friends, along with his lovely and long suffering wife, Sherry.
Barbara Bates, good, trustworthy friend and tireless supporter of the Humane Society, wrote:
“Hey, if people are looking for a truly terrific event here in Colorado Springs, check out the concert on April 16th, 7:30pm at Cheyenne Mountain High School.
The New Horizons Band consists of many people who are over the age of 50 who want to play in a community band. Music is absolutely fabulous. They are a non-profit organization, and their funds go toward scholarships for people who cannot afford to buy an instrument, but who want to play in a band. Tickets are only $2.00 for the concert, so check it out!
A little more on local talent:
If you enjoy watching a good high school sports team, make time for a Rampart baseball game. Its players had their way with the teams at a national tournament in Phoenix over the weekend. The Rams are undefeated this year. I'll post photos of them tomorrow and tell you more about their victories.